BUSTED: Black Parkland Survivor Exposes David Hogg & His RACIST PAST

Tragedy celebrity David Hogg is in hot water, and the liberal media is trying to cover this up. Mei-Ling Ho-Shing goes to school with Hogg, and she’s an African-American student who has come forward accusing Hogg of being racist now and in the past. Mei-Ling is trying to get the word out, and the anti-gun teen activist is scared that the truth might end his newfound fame.
The liberal mainstream media is trying to protect their new anti-gun darling, David Hogg. So when one of his fellow classmates, Mei-Ling Ho-Shing, made allegations that David was being a media hog who refuses to share the limelight with blacks, oh boy did the leftists have a huge problem.
If you’re sick of David Hogg, this is great news. He is getting exactly what he deserves. What Hogg and his handlers are so scared of is that Black Lives Matter is now stepping in. Mei-Ling triggered the radicals who see everything as racist. Now, the leftist media and Hogg are in damage control.
Liberal-leaning Huffington Post reported, “Black students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School are calling out the March for Our Lives movement ― at once commending the teens leading it for their efforts to be inclusive and pushing them to go a step further by sharing the spotlight with their own black peers.”
“We’re saying you don’t see much of us at the forefront,” 17-year-old junior Mei-Ling Ho-Shing, who is black, told HuffPost earlier this week. The fluff piece goes on to say that David Hogg has been “rightly celebrated” but it’s time for him to relinquish some of the limelight for “students of color.”
Mei-Ling goes on to say, “David Hogg, we’re proud of him, but he mentioned he was going to use his white privilege to be the voice for black communities, and we’re kind of sitting there like, ‘You know there are Stoneman Douglas students who could be that voice.’”